Anna is really enjoying her work with Breathe Creative and is currently delivering African drumming workshops in Plasmawr School as part of the Music for Wellbeing project. She is very much enjoying being part of the Breathe Creative team!
Anna is a piano teacher, choir leader and community music tutor based in Cardiff, Wales. After completing a BA Hons in Music at The University of Southampton she then dived into wedding and event management roles including working for Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and Solent Students Union. She then moved to Cardiff, Wales in 2018 where she worked for Shelter Cymru for 3 years as event coordinator, and eventually became self-employed in 2021 – purely music based. In 2022 she completed Community Music Tutor training with the charity Community Music Wales.
Anna is currently a Freelance African drumming, vocal and piano tutor for the charity Community Music Wales delivering workshops to adults and children with mental health difficulties, drug and alcohol addiction and isolation. Workshops include working with Ty Canna Mental Health Services, Women Connect and Adferiad. She is also a teaching partner, choir leader, social media marketing and recital/summer school coordinator for Primo School of Music in Llandaff teaching group piano lessons to children ages of 6 – 18.