Authors: Katja Stiller, Jane Hubbard
Publication Date: 1.4.2022
Categories: Case Studies
Partners: Breathe Creative, Paediatric Diabetes Cardiff and Vale UHB, Diabetes Transitional Care NHS Wales
Funders: All Wales Diabetes Implementation Group NHS Wales HealthCollaborative, Public Health Wales NHS Trust.
Katja Stiller is an experienced Arts Facilitator and Counsellor who has been working creatively with groups of all ages and different backgrounds for over 20 years.
Jane Hubbard is a Film-Maker and Artist. She teaches painting, drawing, scriptwriting, animation, and filming. She has made Animation and Documentary Films for Broadcast Television as a Director and Producer. In 2003 she won a BAFTA Cymru for Best Animated Film. www.hubbardfilm.net
We were approached by Dr Rhian Murphy (Clinical Psychologist Paediatric Diabetes Cardiff and Vale UHB) and commissioned to produce an animation representing the patient’s voice. We worked with young adults with lived experience of Type 1 Diabetes across Wales for a period of three months. The sessions were supported by Sara Crowley (Diabetes Transitional Care National Co-ordinator NHS Wales) and Rachael Humphreys (Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurse Cardiff and Vale UHB).
The animation was launched on March 25th 2022 at the Children and Young
People’s Wales Diabetes Network Meeting in Cardiff.
The Challenge
Because of the pandemic we had to meet online. This worked to our advantage because it enabled us to access people from different parts of Wales, but it also meant that we had to adapt some of the film-making and creative processes.
The main challenge was to build trust and create a safe environment for people with a lived experience of Type 1 Diabetes and Eating Disorders, so that they could share their stories without getting overwhelmed. We wanted the project to be a safe, positive and empowering experience for the participants, balancing the level of support, challenge and encouragement we offered, whilst working towards the creation of a film that would be shared with a wide audience.
The Approach
We used a Person-Centred approach where participants co-create with arts professionals and a therapeutic arts facilitator. Through a series of weekly virtual sessions participants came together to creatively reflect on their experiences of Type 1 Disordered Eating in a safe, calm environment, learning relaxation techniques and exploring creative expression through art, drawing and creative writing.
For the first part participants’ creative ideas were encouraged and explored, they used poetry and drawing to communicate their experiences of dealing with Type 1 Diabetes, having an eating disorder and the effect this had upon their mental health. During the the second part the project the animation became the focus of the sessions, because we were working on Zoom, we recorded pertinent discussions which we used as a basis for the script. The participants created artwork and worked on storyboarding sessions and character design to add to the style of the animation.
The group was shown different versions of the film for comment as the project developed so that they had ownership of the finished product. We wanted to make sure that the film reflected an accurate factual representation of the issues as well as holding together as a story with an authentic emotional arc. All sessions intentionally increased participant’s self- awareness, confidence and self-esteem.
The Aims/Objectives
The Children and Young People’s Wales Diabetes Network aims to support ongoing service improvements and standardisation of care across Wales for young people with Diabetes. This film was commissioned to raise awareness of an important issue and to inform Network members of resources available to improve services.
The Impact
Our evaluation was measured by feedback from the participants and through the successful launch of the film at the Children and Young People’s Wales Diabetic Network on 22nd March 2022. The audience consisted of a Paediatric Diabetes Multi-Disciplinary team consisting of Paediatric Consultants, Associate Specialists, Specialist Registrars and Trainees, Diabetes Specialist Nurses and Dietitians, Psychologists, and other Healthcare employees.
The Feedback
Participants inspired each other and celebrated other’s achievements. They felt empowered by meeting others with the same condition and this experience was fundamental to the success of the project. They found the process enjoyable and cathartic, helping with feelings of isolation. The group shared coping mechanisms and learnt new relaxation techniques as well as different forms of creative expression. They were encouraged and empowered to express how they were feeling, to create something meaningful and with impact.
Quotes from the participants in the group:
‘It was brilliant to create something together’
‘I have taken time to stop since I learned the relaxation techniques’
‘I feel accepted in this group and I feel validated ‘
‘You were willing to really listen and learn from us’
‘It has been an absolute privilege being in this group, to be accepted by everyone and everyone was so open and honest’
‘I often shy away from other people with Diabetes but to actually sit and talk to others with Type 1 who understand the impact it has on your life has been great’
‘I enjoyed the chance to get my voice heard as a Diabetic and to be able to connect has been really cathartic’
Lessons Learnt
It was invaluable to have Health professionals in the sessions who could answer medical questions and inform the process; the project gave them the opportunity to get a deeper insight into the experiences of their patients, and allowed them to see the personal experiences which affected individuals.
The Legacy
The animation ‘Swimming with the T1DE’ (in English and Welsh) and Sound-Scapes ‘Are you OK?’ and ‘The Many Me’s’ will be on the NHS website. These resources will help raise awareness, train Healthcare professionals, and enable Type 1 Eating Disorder (TIDE) to become a medically recognised condition.
The film and artwork will be also used in workshops, staff training and individual consultations with patients with Type 1 Diabetes, deepening understanding for patients with Type 1 Diabetes with Disordered Eating.
Contact details
Katja Stiller [email protected]