This week we have been listening and sharing at online events with other organisations and groups who are using creativity and the arts to increase health and wellbeing throughout Wales and the UK. Delivered by London Arts and Health in partnership with the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance, the 2022 Creativity and Wellbeing festival is focusing …
Challenging our inner critic with creativity for wellbeing
In one of our Creativity for Wellbeing groups this week, we looked at our inner critic, how to challenge it and how to change the script: Breathe You are doing your best Be a friend to yourself Remember Today is tomorrow’s yesterday You can live Keep going Don’t worry it is not the end of …
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Funding Success!
The great news for Breathe Creative is that we have been successful in our bid to The National Lottery Community Fund – we have been funded nearly £10,000 for our project ‘Beyond the Label’, working creatively and using Arts for Wellbeing.