‘Growing Strong’ – A Creativity for Wellbeing Project with Mental Health Matters

Mindful art

“Doing this art helps me cope with life. It takes my mind off all the stuff inside.” (Participant) Growing Strong was a Creativity for Wellbeing project facilitated by Sarah Featherstone and Alex Bowen from Breathe Creative, with funding from The Arts Council of Wales and The National Lottery Community Fund and working in the Bridgend …

Growing Strong with Mental Health Matters in Bridgend

Growing Strong is a creative group for individuals coping with mental health challenges in Bridgend. Over the weeks participants have been experimenting with many different art forms: painting, printing, collage and creative writing, often around a seasonal theme. Gathering together to create each week in a safe space has facilitated socialising, relaxation and sharing without …

Winter Wellbeing

Woman’s hands working on a poem and leaf artwork

We have had such a busy and creative autumn/ winter with lots of wellbeing projects in Cardiff, Bridgend and The Vale of Glamorgan, thanks to funding from the Arts Council of Wales Arts Health and Wellbeing programme, and The National Lottery People and Places programme. We know that being creative, connecting to people, learning and …

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Sun on water

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 10-16 May 2021. The theme this year is ‘Nature’.  One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. Mental Health Awareness Week aims to get people talking about their mental health and reduce the stigma that can stop people from asking for help. We want to hear your stories of how nature has …

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